Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dating Habits That Women Dislike

Whether you're going out on your first date, or your hundredth, making sure you're doing the right thing during your date is stressful. If you want a relationship to grow, then you will have to make sure to avoid dating habits that most women dislike. If you're successful, not only will you gain her affection but you'll also stand out from the competition.

    Strike One: Men Who Lack Chivalry

  • There is something uniquely special about being treated "like a lady." While it may not be necessary to throw your jacket over every mud puddle in the restaurant parking lot, it is most definitely necessary to do things like open her car door or pick up the check after dinner. Regardless of what she might say, these subtle clues will tell her right away if you're Prince Charming or just another toad.

    Strike Two: All About "Me"

  • If you've taken the time to ask a woman out on a date, don't spend the entire date talking about yourself. Make sure that you're willing to find out more about the woman who's sitting across the table and spend more time asking questions than making statements. Keep your stories lighthearted and funny and avoid topics that may be controversial or depressing. Women like to be made the center of attention, so try to remember that before you spend all your time talking about yourself.

    Strike Three: Men Who Can't Tell Time

  • If you say you're going to pick her up at 7 p.m., then be sure to arrive at least five minutes early. Even if you spend that five minutes waiting for her to put the finishing touches on her hair or makeup, it's better than having her be the one who is waiting for you to show up in the driveway.

    You're Out: Touchy, Touchy

  • You stand to do yourself more harm than good if you let your hands, or eyes, begin to wander. Women typically hate to be made feel like an object, so make it a point to make eye contact when you're having a conversation and keep physical contact to an acceptable level. Placing a hand on her arm as she gets in or out of the car can be sweet and affectionate; letting your hand slide off her shoulder during the movie can be seen as aggressive and presumptuous.

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